FAQ about buying micro gear motors
Q: Can we have your full pricelist ?A: Since we have hundreds types and thousands specs, each spec costs different from another even they are the same type, so we are unable to quote without full info
Automatic Tracking Solar Power System
Recommendations of DC Motors for Automatic Tracking Solar Power System
Electromedical equipments
ZHENGK Manufactured motor such as DC Motor (ref. Model ZYTD-38SRZ ) and Stepper Motor (ref.Model Nema23-57BYGH ) , widely used in Electromedical equipments like limb cpm, etc.
Vending machines & Dispensors
ZHENGK Gear motors are widely used in Vending machines & DispensorsSuch as ZGA37RG, ZWL-47FP, ZWL-31ZY
How to calculate the output power of a electric motor
Usually to calculate the output power of one electric motor, you can obey the formula below: Output Power (W)= (TxN)/97400 T: Torque(g.cm) N: Speed(rpm) 97400: Constant
How to choose a gearmotor combination
Once you have chosen a motor, choose a gearbox for the motor so that the speed+torque combinations you want from it (including the maximum speed and maximum torque you need) are under the speed-torque curve of the motor+gearbox combination. Also make sure the gearbox output shaft maximum torque specification is sufficient.
Concept of PMDC Brushed Motor
The brushed DC motor generates torque directly from DC power supplied to the motor by using internal commutation, stationary permanent magnets, and rotating electrical magnets.It works on the principle of Lorentz force , which states that any current carrying conductor placed within an external magnetic field experiences a torque or force known as Lorentz force.